1. Specific help with IPV6 assignment

Specific help with IPV6 assignment

Home Forums FABRIC Educators Specific help with IPV6 assignment

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  • #5854

    On the Exploring IPV6 file, section 2 has something that reads:
    “We will be connecting to a node using IPV6”
    1. Open a terminal to all three nodes.
    2. On host1 run: ifconfig

    I have no idea how to open the terminal to all three nodes. I don’t know HOW to run ifconfig on host1. I tried reading the docs and accessed slice-commander instead, but ifconfig command didn’t exist there.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Ilya Baldin.
    Ilya Baldin

      Please direct your questions to your class instructor. We do not provide support for class assignments.

      Moving the message to educator support forum.

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