1. [ESNET Framework] Unable to list host ports

[ESNET Framework] Unable to list host ports

Home Forums FPGAs in FABRIC [ESNET Framework] Unable to list host ports

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  • #8366
    Angelos Dimoglis


      I have followed the the guidelines for the esnet framework (https://github.com/esnet/esnet-smartnic-fw), in order to load my P4 program to the FPGA. Besides the ports 0 and 1 of the FPGA, I would like to use the host ports (host0 and host1) as well. Although, the host ports do not appear in my configuration. A colleague of mine has informed me that this is probably due to the new version of sn-cfg command. Have you come across the same problem? Do you know how to fix it or revert to a working version of the framework/command to make all the ports appear on the output?

      Thank you in advance.




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