1. 403 : Forbidden Access to JupyterHub

403 : Forbidden Access to JupyterHub

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion 403 : Forbidden Access to JupyterHub

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  • #6433
    Polycarp Nalela


      My JupyterHub has been running just perfect until now when I try to open it, I get the error

      403 : Forbidden
      Access not allowed

      I undertook steps to clear the browsing history, cleared the cache and cookies in all by bowsers, but the problem still persisted. I even tried logging in from other computers including those of colleagues who are able to successfully open JupyterHub, but I still get the same error. This makes me think that there is an access problem associated with my account instead. Can someone help me please. I can be available for online appointments to help me get this fixed. Thanks.

      Polycarp Nalela

      Komal Thareja

        Hello Polycarp,


        Could you please check on the portal if you are a member of a project? This error typically occurs if you are not a member of a project.



        Polycarp Nalela

          Yes, I am a member of a project (GAF), and it is reflected in my portal

          Komal Thareja

            Are you trying to login to JH using the email address: polycarpnalela@mail.missouri.edu

            Which Identity provider are you using when you login via CILogon?

            Also, could you please share the snapshot of what you see on the following link after logging on to Portal?

            Please also share the cookie contents as well.


            Also, try opening JH on an incognito browser window and see if that helps.



            Polycarp Nalela

              Yes, I am using the email polycarpnalela@mail.missouri.edu and CILogon of “University of Missouri System”. The Cookie content is below:

              “cookie_attributes”: {
              “email”: “polycarpnalela@missouri.edu”,
              “family_name”: “Nalela”,
              “given_name”: “Polycarp”,
              “name”: “Nalela, Polycarp (MU-Student)”,
              “sub”: “http://cilogon.org/serverE/users/63714”
              “cookie_name”: “fabric-service”,
              “fabric_attributes”: {
              “affiliation”: [
              “University of Missouri System”
              “roles”: [
              “sub”: [
              “uuid”: “dccbf283-c2c6-41f5-bbff-5fe381f04e14”

              Here too attached is the screenshot of the error message.

              Komal Thareja

                I suspect that multiple email aliases were configured recently for your account. JHUB queries user roles based on your email. In this case, your email address is being passed as polycarpnalela@missouri.edu to JHUB.

                LDAP has your information stored with polycarpnalela@mail.missouri.edu and hence LDAP query returns no information for your account resulting in access denied as indicated in the error below.

                Is it possible for you to change your email configuration to allow polycarpnalela@mail.missouri.edu as the primary email address?


                [W 2024-01-29 00:02:22.712 JupyterHub fabricauthenticator:37] FABRIC user polycarpnalela@missouri.edu is not in CO:COU:Jupyterhub:members:active




                Polycarp Nalela

                  I will be happy to do that. Under what settings in my account do I change my email configuration to allow polycarpnalela@mail.missouri.edu as the primary email address?

                  Komal Thareja

                    Good morning Polycarp,

                    This something you would have to look at your account settings. I won’t be able to help much there. In the meanwhile, could you please try accessing JHUB again?



                    Polycarp Nalela

                      There is now a small progress when logging into JHUB, but I can’t go beyond what you see on the screenshot attached here. When I click on “Start”, the notebook does not open but rather am taken back to the “Sign in with CILogon” page.


                      @Polycarp – Komal has made some updates to Jupyterhub that should allow you to launch properly

                      Couple of things to note

                      • In a previous screenshot your user email in the navbar appeared as an array of emails, this was due to multiple emails being associated to your account, which is fine, but was confusing JHub – that should now be a single email
                      • JHub uses the email as a unique identifier to create a storage allocation, with that email potentially being different from before its possible that your storage will be empty – this means that we’d need to copy your data from the prior storage allocation to the new one since they’ll be differently named due to the email change

                      Let us know how it goes

                      Khawar Shehzad


                        I’m facing the same issue as the author i.e., 403 Forbidden Access.
                        I went through the conversation and noticed in my cookies the email address is different from my actual email.
                        Please see the cookie content below

                        “cookie_attributes”: {
                        “email”: “khawar.shehzad@missouri.edu”,
                        “family_name”: “Shehzad”,
                        “given_name”: “Khawar”,
                        “name”: “Shehzad, Khawar (MU-Student)”,
                        “sub”: “http://cilogon.org/serverE/users/59894”
                        “cookie_name”: “fabric-service”,
                        “fabric_attributes”: {
                        “affiliation”: [
                        “University of Missouri System”
                        “roles”: [
                        “sub”: [
                        “uuid”: “e8fa845a-3fde-44bd-a1e7-e6ae040fd39e”

                        My correct login email should be “khawar.shehzad@mail.missouri.edu”

                        Can you please fix the issue for me as well?


                        Komal Thareja

                          @Khawar – Could you please try accessing JH again and let me know how it goes?



                          Khawar Shehzad

                            It worked. Thanks!


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                          FABRIC invites nominations for four awards recognizing innovative uses of FABRIC resources—Best Published Paper, Best FABRIC Matrix, Best FABRIC Experiment, and Best Classroom Use of FABRIC — submissions due by **Monday, February 24 at 11:59 PM ET**, and winners announced at KNIT10. [>>>Submit Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTp3i2iDhB7bHgN8ryMxZci8ya87yjeQd7_JMZImUodNinVA/viewform)

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