1. 504 Gateway Time-out to invalid refresh token

504 Gateway Time-out to invalid refresh token

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion 504 Gateway Time-out to invalid refresh token

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    Mason Hicks

      When trying to run the SliceManager#create_slice function, I get a SliceManagerException reading “504 Gateway Time-out”, and then if I try and run any SliceManager tools again I get a new SliceManagerException reading “(invalid_grant) invalid refresh token”. If I generate/download a new ID token from the FABRIC portal, this workflow repeats.

      I am running:

      • Windows 10
      • Local JupyterLab
      • fabrictestbed version 1.0.3

      How can I resolve this issue?

      Here is the 504 Gateway Timeout trace: https://pastebin.com/raw/Xy0VXu8x

      Here is the invalid refresh token trace: https://pastebin.com/raw/XdvRJDD0

      These errors were found running the basic_examples/create_node.ipynb  here.

      Paul Ruth

        This is a known bug. It is caused by communication between FABRIC and CILogon.  Occasionally, there is a CIlogon delay  that is long enough to trigger a timeout.   When this happens your token will be revoked and the next time you submit a request to FABRIC you will get an “invalid token” error.

        In the long term we are trying to avoid this timeout so the tokens will not be revoked.   In the short term the workaround is to download a new token from the portal.  https://portal.fabric-testbed.net/experiments

        If you are using our JupyterHub, you will need to logout and and log back in to get a new token.

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