1. A public IP for the Fabric node

A public IP for the Fabric node

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion A public IP for the Fabric node

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  • #4600
    Xusheng Ai


      We want to align Open Science Grid (OSG) workflow with Fabric. If it is possible that we can assign a public IP for Fabric node that can interact with external network, or if there is another way that we can achieve the goal.

      Best Regards,


        Yes, you can request public IPv4/IPv6 address with FABNetv4Ext/FABNetv6Ext network service:

        Network Services in FABRIC

        There are some examples in my FABRIC scripts repository:


        Komal Thareja

          @yoursunny – Thank you for sharing the example scripts. Appreciate it!

          @Xusheng – You can use FabNetv4Ext or FabNetv6Ext services as explained here.

          Also, we have two example notebooks one each for FabNetv4Ext or FabNetv6Ext available via start_here.ipynb:

          • FABNet IPv4 Ext (Layer 3): Connect to FABRIC’s IPv4 internet with external access (manual)
          • FABNet IPv6 Ext (Layer 3): Connect to FABRIC’s IPv6 internet with external access (manual)


          Xusheng Ai

            Hello yoursunny and Komal,

            Thanks for the replies. We just got the Net.FABNetv4Ext tag added to the project.
            I did try both of the methods mentioned above. However, it showed the same error when I submit the slice request. Please see the error detail below:

            Cell In[18], line 7
                  5 iface1 = node.add_component(model='NIC_Basic', name = node_nic_name).get_interfaces()[0]
                  6 # Network
            ----> 7 net1 = slice.add_l3network(name=network_name, interfaces=[iface1], type= 'IPv4Ext')
                  8 slice.submit()
            File ~/work/Long_liveslice/plugins.py:71, in Plugins.add_l3network(self, name, interfaces, type, technology)
                 68 def add_l3network(
                 69     self, name: str = None, interfaces: List[Interface] = [], type: str = "IPv4",
                 70     technology: str = None) -> NetworkService:
            ---> 71     return NetworkService.new_l3network(
                 72         slice=self, name=name, interfaces=interfaces, type=type, technology=technology
                 73     )
            File ~/work/Long_liveslice/plugins.py:104, in Plugins.new_l3network(slice, name, interfaces, type, technology)
                 96     raise Exception(
                 97         "Invalid L3 Network Type: Allowed values [IPv4, IPv4Ext, IPv6, IPv6Ext, L3VPN]"
                 98     )
                100 # TODO: need a fabnet version of this
                101 # validate nstype and interface List
                102 # NetworkService.validate_nstype(nstype, interfaces)
            --> 104 return NetworkService.new_network_service(
                105     slice=slice, name=name, nstype=nstype, interfaces=interfaces, technology=technology
                106 )
            File ~/work/Long_liveslice/plugins.py:146, in Plugins.new_network_service(slice, name, nstype, interfaces, user_data, technology)
                139 fim_network_service = slice.topology.add_network_service(
                140     name=name, nstype=nstype, interfaces=fim_interfaces, technology=technology
                141 )
                143 network_service = NetworkService(
                144     slice=slice, fim_network_service=fim_network_service
                145 )
            --> 146 network_service.set_user_data(user_data)
                147 network_service.init_fablib_data()
                149 return network_service
            AttributeError: 'NetworkService' object has no attribute 'set_user_data'
            Xusheng Ai

              The problem is solved by updating the fabrictestbed-extensions to 1.5.0.

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