1. bastion key fails authentication

bastion key fails authentication

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion bastion key fails authentication

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  • #8248
    Nishanth Shyamkumar


      My bastion key is not passing authentication by the bastion host. This has happened before, and normally I run ‘configure_and_validate.ipynb’ to recreate keys and save the config.

      However this time, even after validating successfully:

      User: *****.edu bastion key is valid!
      Configuration is valid and please save the config!

      and saving the config,
      I tried running some experiments, but it fails while logging in to the VMs.

      I also tried running hello_fabric in Jupyter Hub and it fails while running the below commands:
      for node in slice.get_nodes():
      stdout, stderr = node.execute(‘echo Hello, FABRIC from node <code>hostname -s</code>’)
      Fails with:

      AuthenticationException: Authentication failed.

      I am running it on version 1.7.3 . Is there a fix for this?

      Victoria Hemphill

        Hi Nishanth. Bastion periodically “expire.” Could you go to Experiments -> Manage SSH Keys -> Bastion and check the expiration date? You may need to generate a new key pair. Please let me know if this appears to be the issue!

        Nishanth Shyamkumar


          I regenerated a fresh new keypair and it works now. Thanks.

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