1. Bastion Login Test failing continuosly

Bastion Login Test failing continuosly

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Bastion Login Test failing continuosly

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  • #3124
    Utkarsh Upadhyay

      Bastion test is failing with host key verification

      I have followed all the steps in the set up guide and validated the file path and permission of the key.

      UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
      StrictHostKeyChecking no
      ServerAliveInterval 120

      Host bastion-?.fabric-testbed.net
      User <Provided the bastion login available in user profile>
      ForwardAgent yes
      Hostname %h
      IdentityFile ~/work/.ssh/bastion_key
      IdentitiesOnly yes

      Host * !bastion-?.fabric-testbed.net
      ProxyJump <Provided the bastion login available in user profile>@bastion-1.fabric-testbed.net:22
      ##ProxyJump <Provided the bastion login available in user profile>@bastion-2.fabric-testbed.net:22


      Paul Ruth

        Sorry for the delayed response.  We have been running the FABIRC KNIT5 workshop.

        Can you confirm that your bastion key has not expired?  They expire every 6 months.  You can create a new one at anytime.

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