1. Broken get_ssh_command

Broken get_ssh_command

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  • #3672
    Fraida Fund

      See attached image. (it’s also like this in the output of other calls that use get_ssh_command.)


      Paul Ruth

        This looks like what you might see if your fabric_rc file is missing the FABRIC_SSH_COMMAND_LINE env var.

        If you are in the FABRIC Jupyterhub, you should have the following line in your ~/work/fabric_config/fabric_rc

        export FABRIC_SSH_COMMAND_LINE="ssh -i {{ _self_.private_ssh_key_file }} -F /home/fabric/work/fabric_config/ssh_config {{ _self_.username }}@{{ _self_.management_ip }}"

        This is actually a template of the command line that works in the FABRIC JupyterHub.  Originally, FABlib printed a standard ssh command. However, no single ssh command works universally across all FABlib installations (i.e. persional laptops) and we were constantly being being told the command was incorrect.  The compromise (which I think is a good one) was to create a templated command that could be customized for any environment.  In our JupyterHub we include the default configuration that works in that environment but you can change it to work in your environment.

        This template feature was added in one of that later 1.3.x versions. If you were using a version of FABlib older than that, you probably need to add the env var to your fabric_rc file.  You are seeing this now because the default FABlib version was just updated to 1.4.0.  There are some other 1.4.0 features you might also want, so I would recommend re-running the new “Configure Environment” notebook.


        Fraida Fund

          Oh, I see.

          Probably a good idea to mention in the upgrade announcement, if existing users are supposed to re-run the configuration notebook. The announcement just said “minimal impact to the existing notebooks” 😉

          (Actually, a changelog that lists all the user-facing changes to fablib would be very helpful when there is an upgrade.)

          Ilya Baldin


            We do basically two types of changes:

            1. Underlying control framework changes (which generally bring forward new features, but they aren’t available to experimenters until the second change type happens), which are installed on our infrastructure and may affect the look/feel of the portal.

            2. FABlib changes to make CF features from above available to users – they generally get installed into a new version of a notebook container image. They affect how the notebooks are run (although we try to keep the changes backward compatible as much as we can).

            The change we did last week was of Type 1 as it were, and thus wasn’t going to impact anything you were already doing. The problem you saw is likely a coincidence with another change of FABlib (type 2) that happened earlier. In the coming weeks Paul will be bringing updated version(s) of FABlib that support the features of CF 1.4 and there will be separate announcements about it.

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