1. Can not ping other nodes (but can in notebook)

Can not ping other nodes (but can in notebook)

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Can not ping other nodes (but can in notebook)

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  • #4921
    Zhewen Yang

      Hi, I met this problem, after I configured the slice (nodes, connections, networks…) on the notebook, I turned to ssh to each machine for experiments.

      But when I ssh to machines, I found they can not reach (ping) each other with configured IP address, while this is abled on the notebook “execute” command. And pinging the internet works via ssh.

      Some of my work requires me to operate on the terminal, so can someone help me with this? Thanks!

      Zhewen Yang

        Instead of a bad ping output, the terminal just instantly said “Connect: Network is unreachable”.

        Ilya Baldin

          Can you please show some command outputs and describe which addresses you are trying to ping?


          This article may be useful to explain what interfaces you should expect in your VM.

          Zhewen Yang

            It seems that the ipv6 ens3 address is pingable and reachable,  ipv4 ens3 is pingable but unreachable, and the ipv4 en7 is unpingable (but this is what is used in the notebook and works), as well as my experience. (The commands are just normal ping commands with the address)

            Ilya Baldin

              I guess I’m still not sure what you are experiencing, let’s please break it down:

              1. Which notebook are you using to set up the experiment? (please be sure to specify the version of the notebooks, the type of the container you are using in Jupyter Hub and the reported version of fablib – reported as part of the table in the first cell of the notebook)

              2. Are you saying it works in the notebook, but you are trying to issue (presumably the same) commands from the console and it doesn’t?

              3. Which host are you trying to ping from which other host using what command? (please provide output of ip addr list and ip route list for each host). Please also provide the slice ID.


              Zhewen Yang

                It came to be the problem in my experiment’s setup. I’ve fixed that. Thanks for the reply!

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