1. Cannot resolve hostnames e.g. “kafka.scimma.org” at NCSA and STAR

Cannot resolve hostnames e.g. “kafka.scimma.org” at NCSA and STAR

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Cannot resolve hostnames e.g. “kafka.scimma.org” at NCSA and STAR


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    Donald Petravick

      But works at TACC (for example).     Are these problems or showing some intended difference between the sites E.g IPV6 IPV4?  The use case is CURLing to a port and hostname.

      Paul Ruth

        Yeah, there are limitations with IPv6 vs. IPv4.

        Many sites are available via IPv6 but for the ones that are not, temporary solution is to use a NAT64 as mentioned on https://nat64.net/


        Donald Petravick

          hi our issue is simpler.  we don/t  need IPv6 right now, we are just looking to see if it is a bug that we cannot use these sites, our lack of knowledge on how to configure these sites  or should we just use TACC. at the moment just trying to get DNS to resolve the names.

          Gregory Daues

            I see now that our issue is this one

            Reaching IPv4-only resources like GitHub or Docker Hub from IPv6 FABRIC sites

            Reaching IPv4-only resources like GitHub or Docker Hub from IPv6 FABRIC sites

            I suspect to begin we will use FABRIC sites that are not exclusively IPv6 , and then also try to understand the ssh proxying solutions.


            Paul Ruth

              Generally, the difference between the  IPv4/IPv6 sites is limited to the management networks.  The management networks are intended to allow access to the nodes (ssh) and a way to pull software/configuration (yum, apt, git, scp, etc.).  The management networks are not really intended/designed to support experiment traffic.  However, we understand that many experiments need to peer with the public Internet and, for now, the management network is the only way to do that.   The long-term solution is to use our FABnet networks that will peer with the public Internet.  Currently, FABnet works, but does not peer with the public Internet but it will soon. You might checkout FABnet to see if it supports what you are trying to do.

              Let us know if you need any help with designing your experiment.  We are still in our development phase and there are a lot of features still to come.


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