1. Cannot view slice topology through My Slices list

Cannot view slice topology through My Slices list

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Cannot view slice topology through My Slices list

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  • #8132
    Sourya Saha

      I have been trying to view my slice topology through my slice list. But it invariably fails everytime and comes up with some error message. I have attached the screenshot of the error.

      My slice ID is: fce15b40-ffa1-446f-acc5-dee451218862

      Komal Thareja

        Hi Sourya,

        It appears that your slice utilizes a Port Mirror service, which may not yet be supported by the Slice Viewer. We will check with Yaxue, who works on the Portal, to confirm this. We are working on adding support for this feature in the next release. Apologies for any inconvenience.



        Sourya Saha

          Thank you for the heads up Komal.

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