1. Chameleon Facility Ports: FABnetv4 (Layer 3) internal server error

Chameleon Facility Ports: FABnetv4 (Layer 3) internal server error

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Chameleon Facility Ports: FABnetv4 (Layer 3) internal server error

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  • #7813
    Thomas Tung

      I’m having an internal server error with this complex recipe. The most notable part of the error seems to be this line, I didn’t seem to find this in other internal server errors on the forum

      “PDP Authorization check failed – Policy Violation: Your project is lacking Net.FacilityPort.<facility-port-name> tag to request a connection to one or more of the facilities”

      Here is the code and the previous one.

      network_vlan = None
      while network_vlan == None:
      #Get the network
      chameleon_network = chi.network.get_network(chameleon_network_name)

      #Get the network ID
      chameleon_network_id = chameleon_network[‘id’]
      print(f’Chameleon Network ID: {chameleon_network_id}’)

      #Get the VLAN tag (needed for FABRIC stitching)
      network_vlan = chameleon_network[‘provider:segmentation_id’]
      print(f’network_vlan: {network_vlan}’)
      print(f’Chameleon Network is not ready. Trying again!’)

      Chameleon Network is not ready. Trying again!
      Chameleon Network ID: 44b0e798-8a67-41a7-88e0-fe8c8de0393a
      network_vlan: 3341

      #Create a slice
      fabric_slice = fablib.new_slice(name=fabric_slice_name)

      fabric_facility_port = fabric_slice.add_facility_port(name=faciliy_port, site=fabric_site, vlan=str(network_vlan))
      fabric_facility_port_iface = fabric_facility_port.get_interfaces()[0]
      fabric_net = fabric_slice.add_l3network(name=f’facility_port_fabnetv4′, interfaces=[fabric_facility_port_iface])

      #Submit the Request

      Exception                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
      Cell In[8], line 9
            6 fabric_net = fabric_slice.add_l3network(name=f'facility_port_fabnetv4', interfaces=[fabric_facility_port_iface])
            8 #Submit the Request
      ----> 9 fabric_slice.submit()
      File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/slice.py:2276, in Slice.submit(self, wait, wait_timeout, wait_interval, progress, wait_jupyter, post_boot_config, wait_ssh, extra_ssh_keys, lease_start_time, lease_in_days, validate)
         2272     else:
         2273         logging.error(
         2274             f"Submit request error: return_status {return_status}, slice_reservations: {slice_reservations}"
         2275         )
      -> 2276         raise Exception(
         2277             f"Submit request error: return_status {return_status}, slice_reservations: {slice_reservations}"
         2278         )
         2280 if return_status != Status.OK:
         2281     raise Exception(
         2282         "Failed to submit slice: {}, {}".format(
         2283             return_status, slice_reservations
         2284         )
         2285     )
      Exception: Submit request error: return_status Status.FAILURE, slice_reservations: (500)
      HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Server': 'nginx/1.21.6', 'Date': 'Sat, 16 Nov 2024 21:38:14 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8', 'Content-Length': '348', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true', 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'DNT, User-Agent, X-Requested-With, If-Modified-Since, Cache-Control, Content-Type, Range, Authorization', 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': 'Content-Length, Content-Range, X-Error', 'X-Error': 'PDP Authorization check failed - Policy Violation: Your project is lacking Net.FacilityPort.<facility-port-name> tag to request a connection to one or more of the facilities.'})
      HTTP response body: b'{\n    "errors": [\n        {\n            "details": "PDP Authorization check failed - Policy Violation: Your project is lacking Net.FacilityPort.<facility-port-name> tag to request a connection to one or more of the facilities.",\n            "message": "Internal Server Error"\n        }\n    ],\n    "size": 1,\n    "status": 500,\n    "type": "error"\n}'
      Arash SARABI

        I think that your project lacks the necessary facility port permissions. I have informed Dr. Syrotiuk about this issue

        Best, Arash

        Paul Ruth

          I added the Chameleon-TACC facility port permission to your project.   Can you try again?

          Note that we are at the SC24 conference this week and may be slow to respond. Also, there are some very large demos running this week.

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