1. Component names in add_component vs get_component_available

Component names in add_component vs get_component_available

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Component names in add_component vs get_component_available

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  • #3671
    Fraida Fund

      Hi FABRIC team,

      As far as I can tell, in fablib there is one set of component names for add_component, and another set of different component names for get_component_available. (e.g. ‘NIC_Basic’ vs ‘SharedNIC-ConnectX-6’, ‘GPU_RTX6000’ vs ‘GPU-RTX6000’, etc.)

      Is this a deliberate choice? or should we expect that at some point in the future, the component names will be standardized?

      Is there some documentation where I can find the list of component names, and which functions use which “type” of name?


      Paul Ruth

        That is a good observation. The code that gets available resources is a bit underdeveloped right now.  What you are seeing is a discrepancy between the terms used by user-facing FABlib API and the underlying model data structure.  Longer-term, we will try to have the users only see the FABlib API terms.



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