1. Connection issue between FIU and UCSD sites

Connection issue between FIU and UCSD sites

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Connection issue between FIU and UCSD sites

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  • #3508

      Hi all,

      Does anybody experience the connection issue between FIU and UCSD sites?

      I tried to create a slice with two nodes: one at FIU and one at UCSD, using the example code (create_l2network_basic) on Jupyter. However, it seems these two sites cannot communicate with each other. The final ping IP command shows “Destination Host Unreachable”.

      Any suggestion will be really appreciated.


      • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by thoang.
      Ilya Baldin

        UCSD site was cutoff through some network misconfiguration, which by now has been remedied as far as I know.

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