1. Deploying a containerized application

Deploying a containerized application

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Deploying a containerized application

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    Hi, I was wondering if it would be possible to deploy a containerized application that contains a Flask server and an API on a node in some slice and generate a shareable URL link.
    If so what would be the necessary steps.

    Paul Ruth

      You should be able to install just about any software you want in a FABRIC VM.   I don’t know anything about Flask, but you should be able to set it up.

      Can you describe what you have tried and where you are stuck?


      I was able to get my docker application that contains the flask service and api service in the node just fine. Specifically, I’m asking whether it’s possible to obtain a URL that can be shared with others to access these services. What I have already done is, setup a reverse proxy with nginx but beyond that, I am unsure what would be the necessary steps to get a shareable URL if possible.

      Paul Ruth

        Are you asking to expose services to the public Internet? In general, we don’t want to expose internal FABRIC slices to the Internet. Our experience running testbeds has taught us that its too easy for slices to become compromised.

        This is why we have the bastion host and are requiring you to use ssh tunnels or a proxy to intentionally expose internals.  If a reverse proxy works for you then you can keep using it. If you do need to have a service exposed more generally, we can support that too, however, we will need to know more about what want to do and how you plan to keep it secure.


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