1. Disruptive Maintenance: From 2/14/2022 00:00:00 EST until 2/28/2022 00:00

Disruptive Maintenance: From 2/14/2022 00:00:00 EST until 2/28/2022 00:00

Home Forums FABRIC Announcements Disruptive Maintenance: From 2/14/2022 00:00:00 EST until 2/28/2022 00:00


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  • #1284
    Hussam Nasir

      Hello FABRIC Early  Experimenters,

      From 2/14/2022 00:00:00 EST until 2/28/2022 00:00:00 EST, all fabric racks/resources will be undergo a disruptive maintenance. This maintenance will involve firmware and software upgrades to all of the FABRIC Infrastructure. Due to this reason we require all user slices to be closed/terminated before that time. Any work still active will be lost. Hence if you need to save any of your work/data, please do so before this date. Data lost is not recoverable. Any slices /resources still active after the start of the maintenance period will be administratively closed by the FABRIC Operations Team. However Jupyter notebooks created in FABRIC Jupyter Hub as well as any data saved there will be intact. Additionally the FABRIC Portal will not be affected.

      Please let us know if this time-frame does not work for you and we can work with you on an alternate plan. At the end of the maintenance period we expect to have 3 additional sites and additional network capacity turned up to better serve  your experiments. We also expect to deploy feature and stability enhancements to the FABRIC software stack.

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    FABRIC invites nominations for four awards recognizing innovative uses of FABRIC resources—Best Published Paper, Best FABRIC Matrix, Best FABRIC Experiment, and Best Classroom Use of FABRIC — submissions due by **Monday, February 24 at 11:59 PM ET**, and winners announced at KNIT10. [>>>Submit Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTp3i2iDhB7bHgN8ryMxZci8ya87yjeQd7_JMZImUodNinVA/viewform)

    KNIT10 Call for Demos Now Open! Submit your demo by **February 24**. [>>>Submit Demo](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRIWqHliNP3DFWBCnalYN_fBXJXVM0PpP9YWWJdSebC95TvA/viewform)
    FABRIC invites nominations for four awards recognizing innovative uses of FABRIC resources—Best Published Paper, Best FABRIC Matrix, Best FABRIC Experiment, and Best Classroom Use of FABRIC — submissions due by **Monday, February 24 at 11:59 PM ET**, and winners announced at KNIT10. [>>>Submit Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTp3i2iDhB7bHgN8ryMxZci8ya87yjeQd7_JMZImUodNinVA/viewform)

    KNIT10 Call for Demos Now Open! Submit your demo by **February 24**. [>>>Submit Demo](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRIWqHliNP3DFWBCnalYN_fBXJXVM0PpP9YWWJdSebC95TvA/viewform)