1. Does delete_slice.ipynb work on dead or closing slices?

Does delete_slice.ipynb work on dead or closing slices?

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Does delete_slice.ipynb work on dead or closing slices?

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  • #3313
    Yingqiang Yuan

      I have runned delete_slice.ipynb and tried to delete dead or closing slices. However, it seems like the slice that exists under “Fabric Portal -> Experiments -> My Slices” cannot be found when I run delete_slice.ipynb.

      Komal Thareja

        User can not delete Dead and Closing slices. Dead and Closing slices do not have any Active resources associated with them as they have been deleted. Portal does not show Dead and Closing slices by default. If you do want to see the Dead and Closing slices on the portal you can check the check box “Include Dead and Closing” Slices. We periodically delete the Dead and Closing slices older than 30 days.

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