1. Error on fablib.get_slice() function

Error on fablib.get_slice() function

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Error on fablib.get_slice() function

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    Yingqiang Yuan

      As the screenshot shows the fablib.getslice() returned “list index out of range” error. What could be the possible reasons since the traceback is not straightforward at all?

      Paul Ruth

        This error needs to more clear, but it basically means the slice you are trying to get doesn’t exist.


        Yingqiang Yuan

          Here is a general question: what do I need to do to make sure the sliced jupyter notebook created is not dead?

          Ilya Baldin

            It depends on the problem with the slice. A slice that was created successfully would go from StableOK to dead if it has expired, which means you need to extend it before it dies. Most notebooks create slices lasting 24 hours by default.

            A slice may also have had problems at creation, in which case it would be dead from the start – you need to investigate what is causing it.

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