1. error when executing code in slice

error when executing code in slice

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion error when executing code in slice

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  • #5990
    Kriti Goel
      I’m working at Rochester Institute of Technology. We have been testing a custom code which we run on the reserved slice.
      The last couple of days, when we executed the code, it seems to generate some spurious message which results in segmentation error. (see below)
      This is well tested code (the older version) and it should not be sending the message noted below. Not sure how it is getting generated.
      In buildIPPublishPacket
      Got a new label

      tier_addr :
      Sending MESSAGE_TYPE_PUBLISH_IP_ADD message to – eth1 at
      endNWSend Called : eth1

      Timestamp – 2023-11-03 15:08:18.918812842
      Sending MESSAGE_TYPE_PUBLISH_IP_ADD message to – eth2 at
      endNWSend Called : eth2

      Timestamp – 2023-11-03 15:08:18.918834643
      tier_addr :
      Entries : 1
      Message V on : eth2
      TEST: MNLR Message V received : eth2

      Timestamp – 2023-11-03 15:08:18.918932057if(<wbr />myTierValue==1)
      the action is 1 :
      totalEntries = 1

      TierLen :7 TierAddr:

      ipLen :4 ipAddr: cidr: 24
      Message V on : eth1
      TEST: MNLR Message V received : eth1

      Timestamp – 2023-11-03 15:08:18.919006498if(<wbr />myTierValue==1)
      the action is 1 :
      totalEntries = 1

      TierLen :7 TierAddr:

      ipLen :4 ipAddr: cidr: 24
      TEST: MNLR Message 12 received : eth1

      Timestamp – 2023-11-03 15:08:22.088413454
      Message 12 from :
      Message at tier 1 : Getting the labels for source and destination

      Resolving ip for destination label : interface is :

      Tier Not Found

      ip :

      ERROR: SIOCGIFINDEX – Misprint Compatibility: No such device
      destinationInterfaceIPAddr :
      ERROR: SIOCGIFHWADDR – Either interface is not correct or disconnected: No such device
      ERROR: SIOCGIFINDEX – Misprint Compatibility
      ERROR: SIOCGIFHWADDR – Either interface is not correct or disconnected
      ERROR: Send failed

       Segmentation fault
      Komal Thareja

        Hello Kriti,

        Could you please share your Slice ID to help debug this issue?


        Kriti Goel

          Slice id – acadd67f-3129-4fd7-8d95-9bbf60a3100c

          Ilya Baldin

            Your slice is up and running – all VMs and services are up. Please verify that the network interfaces exist under the names you expect in all the VMs. We generally cannot help you with your custom application, but the error suggests the application is trying to use a network interface that for some reason is not there or is not in the ‘up’ state. Please validate the low level functionality of the slice (e.g. the node reachability) before starting your application.

            Kriti Goel

              I am using ssh commands to login into each node, then manually checking each node is up and all the interfaces are up, all interfaces are up then trying to execute my code. Still it is showing me the same error.

              Ilya Baldin


                Please inspect your application configuration or try to add debugging output – since this is your custom application we can only provide limited assistance. If a slice is operating as expected at the Operating System level the rest is generally considered experimenter’s responsibility.

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