1. Exception: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address

Exception: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Exception: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address


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  • #3582
    Durbek Gafurov

      I am encountering the error “Exception: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address” while attempting to run the tutorial “Create a Local Ethernet (Layer 2) Network” at the point where the slice is submitted. Prior to this issue, the tutorial was functioning properly.

      However, I encountered an error while attempting to install a package (“Waiting for cache lock: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend. It is held by process 66878 (apt)”) and subsequently terminated the process by “kill 66878”. I suspect that this action may have caused the current issue. I have attempted to resolve the problem by restarting the kernel, stopping and relaunching the notebook, but these actions have been unsuccessful.

      Can anyone suggest a solution to this problem?

      Komal Thareja

        Hi Durbek,

        Thank you for reporting this issue. This seems to be an issue in older version of Fablib and has been addressed in the later versions.

        The default notebook creates VM with default_rocky_8 image (which comes with NetworkManager) and as part of post_boot_config Fablib tries to stop it. This is not the case for the default_ubuntu images. The failure observed is when Fablib is trying to stop the Network manager.

        I would recommend following steps to help address this issue:

        1. Please update fabric_config/requirements.txt in your JH container to include the following statement:

        2. Restart your JH container

        3. Try your experiment again, you may see some traces like which can be ignored.
        sudo: nmcli: command not found

        4. You would also need to update the cells where IP addresses are configured on the VMs for ubuntu to include following two steps after ip addr show:


        stdout, stderr = node1.execute('sudo apt install net-tools')
        stdout, stderr = node1.execute(f'sudo ifconfig {node1_iface.get_os_interface()} up')


        stdout, stderr = node2.execute('sudo apt install net-tools')
        stdout, stderr = node2.execute(f'sudo ifconfig {node2_iface.get_os_interface()} up')


        Mina William Morcos

          Hi. I encountered the same issue. I used bastion host 2, and that fixed it. Might be an issue with bastion host 1.

          You can just edit this line below in the fabric_rc file, and restart the kernel of the notebook. Just change the “1” to “2”.

          export FABRIC_BASTION_HOST=bastion-2.fabric-testbed.net

          Sean Cummings

            I was having this issues as well. It seems there is currently an issue with the MASS site.

            Xusheng Ai

              I have the same issue. I ran the hello_fabric.ipynb. The slice was created successfully. The error:Cannot assign requested address. It came up when I ran the Hello Fabric experiment. The site is Clemson. The fabrictestbed-extensions is 1.3.3.

              Paul Ruth

                Mina is correct, this is a current issue with bastion-1.  They are working on a solution. If you switch to bastion-2 it will work.

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