1. FABNetv4Ext in non-Jupyter script

FABNetv4Ext in non-Jupyter script

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  • #4253

      I’m trying to get FABNetv4Ext working with a plain Python script that is not running within a Jupyter Notebook.
      However, I’m facing two errors running the script below.

      My Script

      I’m running the script below in FABRIC JupyterLab in a terminal window, not in a Jupyter Notebook or ipykernel Console.
      The environment has fabrictestbed-extensions 1.4.3 installed.
      I also have plugins.py downloaded from jupyter-examples repository.

      import time
      from fabrictestbed_extensions.fablib.fablib import \
      FablibManager as fablib_manager
      from plugins import Plugins
      fablib = fablib_manager()
      slice_name = f'demo@{int(time.time())}'
      slice = fablib.new_slice(name=slice_name)
      node = slice.add_node(name='node', site='UTAH', cores=1,
      ram=2, disk=10, image='default_ubuntu_22')
      [intf] = node.add_component(model='NIC_Basic', name='nic').get_interfaces()[:1]
      slice.add_l3network(name='net', interfaces=[intf], type='IPv4Ext')
      print('Before initial submit:')
      slice = fablib.get_slice(name=slice_name)
      print('After initial submit:')
      net = slice.get_network('net')
      ips = net.get_available_ips(count=len(net.get_interfaces()))
      net.change_public_ip(ipv4=[str(ip) for ip in ips])
      print('Before second submit:')
      slice = fablib.get_slice(name=slice_name)
      print('After second submit:')

      Expected Result

      I expect the script to display the list of networks four times.
      In each list, the output table should contain one network named “net” with type “FABNetv4Ext”.

      Actual Result 1

      When I run this script as is, it produced the following output, ending with a Python exception.

      Before initial submit:
      ID Name Layer Type Site Subnet Gateway State Error
      ---- ------ ------- ----------- ------ ---------- ----------- ------- -------
      None net L3 FABNetv4Ext None net.subnet net.gateway None
      Waiting for slice . Slice state: StableOK
      Waiting for ssh in slice .. ssh successful
      Running post boot config ... Exception: list index out of range
      Running post boot config threads ...
      Post boot config node, Done! (2 sec)
      Saving fablib data... Done!
      After initial submit:
      ID Name Layer Type Site Subnet Gateway State Error
      ------------------------------------ ------ ------- ----------- ------ ----------------- -------------- ------- -------
      a8c4c6b3-bca7-4643-83ac-13026432c656 net L3 FABNetv4Ext UTAH Active
      Exception: list index out of range
      Before second submit:
      ID Name Layer Type Site Subnet Gateway State Error
      ------------------------------------ ------ ------- ----------- ------ ----------------- -------------- ------- -------
      a8c4c6b3-bca7-4643-83ac-13026432c656 net L3 FABNetv4Ext UTAH Active
      Waiting for slice . Slice state: ModifyOK
      Waiting for ssh in slice . ssh successful
      Running post boot config ... Exception: list index out of range
      Running post boot config threads ...
      Saving fablib data... Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/fabric/work/x.py", line 33, in <module>
      File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/slice.py", line 1951, in submit
      File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/slice.py", line 1629, in post_boot_config
      self.submit(wait=True, progress=False, post_boot_config=False, wait_ssh=False)
      File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/slice.py", line 1913, in submit
      raise Exception(
      Exception: Failed to submit slice: Status.FAILURE, (500)
      HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Server': 'nginx/1.21.6', 'Date': 'Tue, 16 May 2023 21:20:03 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8', 'Content-Length': '274', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true', 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'DNT, User-Agent, X-Requested-With, If-Modified-Since, Cache-Control, Content-Type, Range, Authorization', 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': 'Content-Length, Content-Range, X-Error', 'X-Error': 'Unable to modify Slice# dccc95d6-43be-4663-b264-0300db549361 that is not yet stable, try again later'})
      HTTP response body: b'{\n "errors": [\n {\n "details": "Unable to modify Slice# dccc95d6-43be-4663-b264-0300db549361 that is not yet stable, try again later",\n "message": "Internal Server Error"\n }\n ],\n "size": 1,\n "status": 500,\n "type": "error"\n}'

      Script Modification

      From what I can recall, this error started when I upgraded to fablib 1.4.3; it was not present in fablib 1.4.1.
      To workaround this problem, I modified the slice.submit() line as follows:


      Actual Result 2

      Before initial submit:
      ID Name Layer Type Site Subnet Gateway State Error
      ---- ------ ------- ----------- ------ ---------- ----------- ------- -------
      None net L3 FABNetv4Ext None net.subnet net.gateway None
      Waiting for slice . Slice state: StableOK
      Waiting for ssh in slice .. ssh successful
      Running post boot config ... Exception: list index out of range
      Running post boot config threads ...
      Post boot config node, Done! (2 sec)
      Saving fablib data... Done!
      After initial submit:
      ID Name Layer Type Site Subnet Gateway State Error
      ------------------------------------ ------ ------- ----------- ------ ----------------- -------------- ------- -------
      c21385fb-fdca-41e9-a0eb-f7bb74a62b1c net L3 FABNetv4Ext UTAH Active
      Exception: list index out of range
      Before second submit:
      ID Name Layer Type Site Subnet Gateway State Error
      ------------------------------------ ------ ------- ----------- ------ ----------------- -------------- ------- -------
      c21385fb-fdca-41e9-a0eb-f7bb74a62b1c net L3 FABNetv4Ext UTAH Active
      Waiting for slice . Slice state: ModifyOK
      Waiting for ssh in slice . ssh successful
      Running post boot config ... Done!
      After second submit:
      ID Name Layer Type Site Subnet Gateway State Error
      ------------------------------------ ------ ------- ----------- ------ ----------------- -------------- ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      c21385fb-fdca-41e9-a0eb-f7bb74a62b1c net L3 FABNetv4Ext UTAH Closed failed lease update- all units failed priming: Exception during modify for unit: c21385fb-fdca-41e9-a0eb-f7bb74a62b1c Playbook has failed tasks: NSO commit returned JSON-RPC error: type: rpc.method.failed, code: -32000, message: Method failed, data: message: Failed to connect to device wash-data-sw: connection refused: NEDCOM CONNECT: The kexTimeout (20000 ms) expired. in new state, internal: jsonrpc_tx_commit357#all units failed priming: Exception during modify for unit: c21385fb-fdca-41e9-a0eb-f7bb74a62b1c Playbook has failed tasks: NSO commit returned JSON-RPC error: type: rpc.method.failed, code: -32000, message: Method failed, data: message: Failed to connect to device wash-data-sw: connection refused: NEDCOM CONNECT: The kexTimeout (20000 ms) expired. in new state, internal: jsonrpc_tx_commit357#

      From what I can recall, this error started this week; it was not present last week.


      Paul Ruth

        This has to do with an issue we are having with the dataplane switch at WASH (i.e. where the peering with the Internet is made).  I am also waiting for this issue to be resolved. I’ll see if someone has an estimate of when this will be fixed…

        Paul Ruth

          I looks like the issue is outside of our rack at WASH and has to do with a hardware failure with the provider that we are peering with.  The estimate is that it will be fixed today but this depends on the new hardware arriving in time.


            The infrastructure problem seems to be resolving.
            The second error (“actual result 2”) is no longer occurring.

            The first error (“actual result 1”) seems to be a fablib bug and it still occurs.

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