1. failed lease update- all units failed priming:

failed lease update- all units failed priming:

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion failed lease update- all units failed priming:

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  • #6215
    Nagmat Nazarov

      Dear Community,

      Facing :

      failed lease update- all units failed priming: Exception during create for unit: 1926030d-29e8-43a5-88d5-94ac273e347f Playbook has failed tasks: NSO commit returned JSON-RPC error: type: rpc.method.failed, code: -32000, message: Method failed, data: message: Failed to connect to device tacc-data-sw: connection refused: NEDCOM CONNECT: The kexTimeout (20000 ms) expired. in new state, internal: jsonrpc_tx_commit357#all units failed priming: Exception during create for unit: 1926030d-29e8-43a5-88d5-94ac273e347f Playbook has failed tasks: NSO commit returned JSON-RPC error: type: rpc.method.failed, code: -32000, message: Method failed, data: message: Failed to connect to device tacc-data-sw: connection refused: NEDCOM CONNECT: The kexTimeout (20000 ms) expired. in new state, internal: jsonrpc_tx_commit357#

      Error while creating slices.

      Slice id : 2833ae8c-983b-4804-aa6a-1277c22b7eb2

      Whay maybe the issue?

      Kind regards,


      Paul Ruth

        This has been fixed. Thanks for reporting it. Please try again.


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