1. failed lease update- all units failed priming: Exception during create for unit:

failed lease update- all units failed priming: Exception during create for unit:

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion failed lease update- all units failed priming: Exception during create for unit:


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  • #4032
    Nagmat Nazarov

      Dear Community


      I am getting below error 3-4 times today.

      ” failed lease update- all units failed priming: Exception during create for unit: b8271e81-1216-44fb-b6d8-b9338cbc3b47 Playbook has failed tasks: Error in creating the server (no further information available)#all units failed priming: Exception during create for unit: b8271e81-1216-44fb-b6d8-b9338cbc3b47 Playbook has failed tasks: Error in creating the server (no further information available)# ”

      What may be the issue?

      Kind regards,


      Komal Thareja

        Hi Nagmat,

        Thank you for sharing your observation! The requested slice asks for a VM with 2000GB disk on FIU rack (fiu-w4.fabric-testbed.net). However, the disk isn’t available and hence VM provisioning fails. We have a known issue that there is a mismatch in the disk availability as seen by software and the actual infrastructure. We are working to address that. But for now, I would request to create a slice with smaller disk.

        Also, was this issue only observed on FIU rack? If not, Could you please share the other sites where you observed this error?


        1 user thanked author for this post.
        Nagmat Nazarov

          It was observed in :

          #site1 = “FIU”
          #site2 = “UCSD”
          #site3 = “MASS”

          The storage size wasn’t 2000GB but it was 1000G.

          Kind regards,


          Komal Thareja

            I can confirm it’s the same issue on MASS and UCSD as well based on the logs. Also, I noticed the slice request was for 1000G disk but it gets mapped to a flavor with 2000G as we don’t have any 1000G flavor. None of the sites/workers mentioned have that much disk available and hence the provisioning fails. Unfortunately, the error message returned by openstack is not specific and not very helpful.

            Thanks again for letting us know. We will work on fixing the mismatch and address this.


            Nagmat Nazarov


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