1. Failed when adding two SharedNIC_ConnectX_6 to one node

Failed when adding two SharedNIC_ConnectX_6 to one node

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Failed when adding two SharedNIC_ConnectX_6 to one node

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  • #745
    Kaiyu Hou

      Hi, I was trying to add two SharedNIC_ConnectX_6 to one node. But I noticed that if I did this, the “slice_state” would always be “Closing” with no other raising errors. And if I commented out one SharedNIC_ConnectX_6, the code would be all correct.

      Does it mean that I cannot add two SharedNIC_ConnectX_6 to one node? Is there any reason to forbid this? Thank you.

      Paul Ruth

        You definitely can add multiple connectX-6 card.  Given our very limited dev capacity, it may be that there are no nodes left that have 2 connectX-6’s in the same host.

        What is the error you see in the sliver status for that failed VM?

        (see this example to get sliver status: https://github.com/fabric-testbed/jupyter-examples/blob/master/fabric_examples/basic_examples/get_slivers.ipynb)

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Paul Ruth.
        Komal Thareja

          I am able to reproduce the error and found this to be a bug in the code. We would address it in the next release.

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