1. Failure to list sites

Failure to list sites

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Failure to list sites

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  • #5117
    Flavio Castro

      When I run fablib.list_sites()

      I’m getting a response that doesn’t look right

      Ilya Baldin

        Please indicate which container (if in Jupyter Hub) and which FABlib version  you are using.

        Ilya Baldin

          Also please provide the output of fablib.show_config() call.

          Acheme Acheme

            For reference: content of the requirement.txt file in both the version (1.5.4) and the fabric_config folder was cleared out and saved. Then “File” >> “Hub control panel” >> “Stop my server”….and, “Start my server”. Error goes away after.

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          FABRIC invites nominations for four awards recognizing innovative uses of FABRIC resources—Best Published Paper, Best FABRIC Matrix, Best FABRIC Experiment, and Best Classroom Use of FABRIC — submissions due by **Monday, February 24 at 11:59 PM ET**, and winners announced at KNIT10. [>>>Submit Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTp3i2iDhB7bHgN8ryMxZci8ya87yjeQd7_JMZImUodNinVA/viewform)

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          FABRIC invites nominations for four awards recognizing innovative uses of FABRIC resources—Best Published Paper, Best FABRIC Matrix, Best FABRIC Experiment, and Best Classroom Use of FABRIC — submissions due by **Monday, February 24 at 11:59 PM ET**, and winners announced at KNIT10. [>>>Submit Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTp3i2iDhB7bHgN8ryMxZci8ya87yjeQd7_JMZImUodNinVA/viewform)

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