1. File Upload Limitations in Jupyter Environment with Python Code

File Upload Limitations in Jupyter Environment with Python Code

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  • #7772
    Hello all,
    I am working in the Jupyter environment with Python code and have encountered limitations when uploading files using the FileUpload widget and direct upload. Files larger than 8 MB cannot be uploaded through the widget, while smaller files upload successfully without any issues. When attempting to upload files directly to Jupyter that are 16 MB or larger, I receive a “Large file size warning” with the prompt: “The file size is 16 MB. Do you still want to upload it? [Cancel or Upload]” If I proceed, the file uploads but fails to open, displaying: Error: Failed to load PDF document.

    Could you confirm if there is an enforced upload limit in this environment, and if so, if there is a way to adjust it when working with Python code? Alternatively, if adjustments are not feasible, could you suggest another method for handling larger files within this environment?

    Thank you
    Victoria Hemphill

      Hi Ali, do you know if your Jupyter storage is almost full? You should be able to upload a 16MB file.


      Hi Victoria,

      My Jupyter storage isn’t full; I still have 80 GB available.

      I can’t upload files larger than 8 MB. When I try to upload directly to Jupyter, I see this message: Do you still want to upload it? [Cancel or Upload].

      Thank you


      Komal Thareja

        Hi Ali,

        We only provide 1G storage to users on Jupyter Containers in the /home/fabric/work directory. Could you please clarify or add screenshot of the df -h from the terminal in your container and also share how you are trying to upload the files?

        I tried and uploaded 800 MB file to my container using the Jupyter Hub upload interface without issues.



        Hi Komal,

        I am using two methods to upload files to Jupyter. First, I use a Python script designed for uploading files to the system. Alternatively, I also use the direct upload feature in Jupyter by clicking the upload button, as shown in the attached image.

        Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
        /dev/sdi 974M 319M 639M 34% /home/fabric/work

        It was 73%, then I removed a lot of files, but the same problem persists.


        uploaded_file_info = upload_widget.value[0]

        When selecting a file larger than 8 MB, I notice that the status changes from “Idle” to “Busy” and then back to “Idle.” When I attempt to upload the file again, I see the message “Please upload a file,” even though I have already selected the file. Additionally, if a file smaller than 8 MB has been uploaded before attempting to upload the larger file, the previously uploaded smaller file is re-uploaded instead.


        Thank you


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