1. FPGA coming up with only 1 port

FPGA coming up with only 1 port

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  • #7843
    Nishanth Shyamkumar


      I am creating a VM node that uses an FPGA and running smartnic-dpdk docker container on it.
      However, it comes up with only a single port from the perspective of the host OS.

      ubuntu@INDInode0:~/esnet-smartnic-fw/sn-stack$ lspci | grep Xilinx
      1f:00.0 Network controller: Xilinx Corporation Device 903f

      As a result, the smartnic-dpdk docker container fails to spin up, because the dpdk-devbind stage in docker-compose.yml assumes that 2 ports are always present. Since the container fails to come up, all subsequent operations that depend on it fail as well.

      sn-stack-ubuntu-smartnic-devbind-1  | ValueError: Unknown device: 0000:1f:00.1. Please specify device in “bus:slot.func” format
      sn-stack-ubuntu-smartnic-devbind-1  | + echo 1
      sn-stack-ubuntu-smartnic-devbind-1  | + sleep 1
      sn-stack-ubuntu-smartnic-devbind-1  | + dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 0000:1f:00.0 0000:1f:00.1

      I have seen this same issue across different sites. What could be the reason for this?

      Komal Thareja

        Hi Nishanth,

        I will check other sites too, it would be helpful if you can share sites you tried.
        Could you please delete your slice and try again?

        It might be related to which bitfile has been used to Flash the FPGA. For instance, INDI is flashed with a bit file compatible with NEU workflow.


        • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Komal Thareja.
        Komal Thareja

          Shared the BitFile flash status with Nishanth over email. He confirmed that FPGA slice with EsNet Sites are working as expected.


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