1. Getting an error while running execute command on a node

Getting an error while running execute command on a node

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Getting an error while running execute command on a node

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  • #4893
    Manas Das

      Hello, I am getting this error “Error: Authentication failed.”, everything was working fine a week back, now with the same notebook I am getting this error. This error originates from the node.execute(“…”) command, while trying to execute a command on a remote host. I am using v1.4 of fabric API. I would appreciate any help or suggestions.

      Komal Thareja

        Hello Manas,

        Please check from Portal, Experiments -> Manage SSH Keys to ensure that your bastion keys have not expired. This typically happens when your bastion keys have expired. Please regenerate them and upload to your JH container if they have expired.



        Manas Das

          Thank you @Thereja for the quick response. Yes, my bastion key expired.

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