1. Getting AttributeError: ‘Node’ object has no attribute ‘add_fabnet’

Getting AttributeError: ‘Node’ object has no attribute ‘add_fabnet’

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Getting AttributeError: ‘Node’ object has no attribute ‘add_fabnet’

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  • #4547
    Nagmat Nazarov

      Dear Community,


      While doing iperf3 experiment (https://github.com/fabric-testbed/jupyter-examples/blob/master/fabric_examples/complex_recipes/iPerf3/iperf3.ipynb) , Getting “AttributeError: ‘Node’ object has no attribute ‘add_fabnet'” as shown in attachment. What may be the issue?

      Kind regards,


      Komal Thareja

        Hello Nagmat,

        Could you please share the output of the following command from a terminal window in JH container?

        pip list | grep fabric




        Nagmat Nazarov

          Hello Nagmat,

          Could you please share the output of the following command from a terminal window in JH container?

          pip list | grep fabric




          (base) fabric@jupyter-nagmat-40nevada-2eunr-2eedu:~/work/iperf$ pip list | grep fabric
          fabric 3.1.0
          fabric-credmgr-client 1.3.2
          fabric-fim 1.3.0
          fabric_fss_utils 1.5.0
          fabric-orchestrator-client 1.3.0
          fabrictestbed 1.3.1
          fabrictestbed-extensions 1.3.3

          Komal Thareja

            It looks like an older version of fablib is running in your container. Could you please ensure that there are no entries for fabrictestbed-extensions in fabric_config/requirements.txt ? Please restart your JH container after that and try the notebook again.

            Versions should something like below for 1.4.6 and 1.5.1 container options.

            For 1.4.6 container:

            pip list | grep fabric
            fabric 3.1.0
            fabric-credmgr-client 1.3.2
            fabric-fim 1.4.14
            fabric-fss-utils 1.4.0
            fabric-orchestrator-client 1.4.7
            fabrictestbed 1.4.7
            fabrictestbed-extensions 1.4.6

            For 1.5.1 container:

            $ pip list | grep fabric
            fabric 3.1.0
            fabric-credmgr-client 1.5.0
            fabric_fim 1.5.2
            fabric_fss_utils 1.5.0
            fabric-orchestrator-client 1.5.1
            fabrictestbed 1.5.1
            fabrictestbed-extensions 1.5.1




            Nagmat Nazarov

              It worked after removing

              fabrictestbed-extensions==1.3.3  from requirements.txt


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