1. getting ChannelException: ChannelException(2, ‘Connect failed’) Error

getting ChannelException: ChannelException(2, ‘Connect failed’) Error

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion getting ChannelException: ChannelException(2, ‘Connect failed’) Error

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  • #7566

    Please find the attached Screenshots and provide solution

    Mert Cevik

      Can you send the slice ID?

      Komal Thareja

        Hi Tejas,

        It looks like SSH connection to bastion host is failing. Could you please re-rerun this notebook jupyter-examples-rel1.7.*/configure_and_validate.ipynb? Please retry your notebook after that.

        Please let us know if the issue persists.




        I ran the mentioned notebook and the issue still persists


        Where can I find the slice ID?


        My slice id is b7b2225a-0760-494d-aaaa-6788481ee483

        Mert Cevik

          For some reason all your VMs management network interfaces are offline. If you share the notebook with us, we can understand if something in the flow might be causing an issue.


          Please find the attached notebook

          Komal Thareja

            @Tejas – Notebook is not attached. Could you please share it? You may have to change the file extension to .txt

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