1. Half Slice Unreachable

Half Slice Unreachable

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  • #8259
    Luca Cetino

      Hi all,
      I have a slice (ID: 831a0115-8e9e-4854-bbcb-d12022a878aa) up and running (in stableOK status) since a while. From time to time I use it for running experiments and it is very convenient to have all the artifacts and other resources already on the slice’s VMs.
      However, this morning I tried to connect and two of the four machines seemed unreachable (“No route to host” error).
      I also tried to use the management Jupyter Notebook for rebooting the VMs but I get the following error:

      ChannelException: ChannelException(2, 'Connect failed')

      What else could I try? Do I have to delete the slice and start from scratch?

      Thank you for your help!

      Komal Thareja

        Hi Luca,

        I reviewed your slice and noticed that during the last renewal, two of the VMs could not be renewed due to insufficient resources. As a result, they were not extended and have now transitioned to a Closed state, meaning they have been deleted. Below is a snapshot for reference.

        Please note that since users can request slices for future use, it’s possible that renewing an active slice may fail if resources are already reserved for future allocations.

        You can check the current state of your slice using the following code:

        from fabrictestbed_extensions.fablib.fablib import FablibManager as fablib_manager
        fablib = fablib_manager()
        slice_name = "Slice INT slice - DALL + LOSA"
        slice = fablib.get_slice(slice_name)

        Additionally, if the renewal was triggered via JupyterHub (JH), this information has also been communicated to you there.

        Reservation ID: b0ff1824-011d-4225-a748-371ddf6eb5e4 Slice ID: 831a0115-8e9e-4854-bbcb-d12022a878aa
        Resource Type: VM Notices: Reservation b0ff1824-011d-4225-a748-371ddf6eb5e4 (Slice INT slice - DALL + LOSA(831a0115-8e9e-4854-bbcb-d12022a878aa) Graph Id:f6a2c692-b430-4a01-95d6-2f2343320dea Owner:s317694@studenti.polito.it) is in state (Closed,None_) (Last ticket update: Insufficient resources : ['ram', 'disk'])

        Reservation ID: dc4456ff-f768-4915-8c7e-97696b2fcc21 Slice ID: 831a0115-8e9e-4854-bbcb-d12022a878aa
        Resource Type: VM Notices: Reservation dc4456ff-f768-4915-8c7e-97696b2fcc21 (Slice INT slice - DALL + LOSA(831a0115-8e9e-4854-bbcb-d12022a878aa) Graph Id:f6a2c692-b430-4a01-95d6-2f2343320dea Owner:s317694@studenti.polito.it) is in state (Closed,None_) (Last ticket update: Insufficient resources : ['ram', 'disk'])



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