1. Hello Fabric Step 6

Hello Fabric Step 6

Home Forums FABRIC Educators Hello Fabric Step 6

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  • #5880
    Aleah Montes


      I am working on the very first experiment when working with JupyterHub the Hello Fabric. I have done steps 1-5 and are all running correctly but when I get to step 6 I get an error, can you help me? I know the error says that this file is not found.

      I understand why it is an error becuase the BastionKey1Pub.pub is not the file I am using anymore.
      I restarted the Hello Fabric assignment with a different Bastion Key called Bastion2 and the file
      is called Bastion2Pub.pub that I have uploaded to the fabric_config folder already. How do I edit
      it to where it is searching for 'home/fabric/work/fabric_config/Bastion2Pub.pub' 
      • This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Ilya Baldin.
      Ilya Baldin

        Please in the future direct your questions to your class instructor.

        1. You are confusing a public SSH key with the private SSH key – your configuration should point to the private bastion key SSH key
        2. You can change the configuration by re-executing ‘Configure your environment’ notebook while updating the values in the appropriate cells of the notebook:

        First cell of the notebook:

        # your bastion login can be found in your profile page. Remember to omit the < and > when pasting into this
        # the ID of your chosen project. You can change this value any time you change the project. Remember to omit < and >
        # check the file name under which you uploaded your bastion private key file into and change this variable from fabric_bastion_key_file_name to its actual name
        export FABRIC_BASTION_PRIVATE_KEY_LOCATION=${HOME}/work/fabric_config/fabric_bastion_key_file_name
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