1. How can we restore our files from deleted nodes

How can we restore our files from deleted nodes

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion How can we restore our files from deleted nodes

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  • #7022

    We were working on a project with ID: 527832fc-c273-4254-b988-16e5c2923bf9, we didn’t renew the project and it was deleted automatically. We have some important files on the nodes, is it possible to restore those files? This is the slice ID: df4728b6-e830-408d-b426-aff3184c8f08 of the deleted the project.

    Komal Thareja

      Hi Emmanuel,

      It is not possible to recover a deleted slice. Apologies we may not be able to recover your data. However, you should be able to request renewal of an expired project though.



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