1. How to extend the lease end date?

How to extend the lease end date?

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion How to extend the lease end date?


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  • #3820
    Nagmat Nazarov

      Dear Community,

      I created my slice and it is automatically deleted after 24 hours.

      How can I extend my slice lease end date? My slice id is : 3eb74e73-9105-4e37-9e89-251f18e31f49

      Kind regards,


      Arash SARABI

        Hi, You can use the following code to extend your lease:

        from datetime import datetime
        from datetime import timezone
        from datetime import timedelta
        #Set end host to now plus 1 day
        end_date = (datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z")
            slice = fablib.get_slice(name=slice_name)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Exception: {e}")
        Paul Ruth

          Note that a great place to learn about FABlib is in the JupyterExample that come pre-installed in your JupyterHub container.  You can also pull the examples from github

          Current examples in a zip file (FABRIC Jupyter Examples 1.4.2)

          The index of other example can be found here: (Jupyter Examples Index)

          The renew example can be found there (github link: Renew Slice)

          All of these examples are pre-installed in your JupyterHub container and should run after you configure the environment with your username and keys.

          Nagmat Nazarov

            It worked thanks!

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