1. How to use long-lived tokens in experiments

How to use long-lived tokens in experiments

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  • #7055
    Nishanth Shyamkumar

      When I try to use my generated long-lived token in an experiment, it fails with an Exception.

      Digging into the Fabric source code, in slice_manager.py, there is a check for refresh_tokens, however the long lived token does not contain this json field, which is why it always fails. The __load_tokens function is pasted below:

      def __load_tokens(self, refresh: bool = True):
              Load Fabric Tokens from the tokens.json if it exists
              Otherwise, this is the first attempt, create the tokens and save them
              @note this function is invoked when reloading the tokens to ensure tokens
              from the token file are read instead of the local variables
              # Load the tokens from the JSON
              if os.path.exists(self.token_location):
                  print(“token path exists\n”)
                  with open(self.token_location, ‘r’) as stream:
                      self.tokens = json.loads(stream.read())
                      print(f”self.tokens is {self.tokens}”)
                  refresh_token = self.get_refresh_token()
                  # First time login, use environment variable to load the tokens
                  refresh_token = os.environ.get(Constants.CILOGON_REFRESH_TOKEN)
              # Renew the tokens to ensure any project_id changes are taken into account
              if refresh and self.auto_refresh:
                  if refresh_token is None:
                      raise SliceManagerException(f”Unable to refresh tokens: no refresh token found!”)

      How can I use the long lived token without the Fablib code raising exceptions ?

      Komal Thareja

        Hi Nishanth,

        This issue has been fixed for a while now but is only available in Beyond Bleeding Edge Container.

        Could you please use that? This should be available in the pypi with the next release.



        Nishanth Shyamkumar

          Hi Komal,

          I am using fablib from within a Python program. Can you let me know which branch of fabrictestbed-extensions should I use to have this updated change? Is it the main branch? Or branch 1.7?

          pip install git+https://github.com/fabric-testbed/fabrictestbed-extensions@main

          Komal Thareja

            Please install from the main branch via the command you shared.



            Nishanth Shyamkumar

              Hi Komal,

              Looking at the source code, the required change in slice_manager.py is not present on the main branch. It is available in the other branches: adv-res, llt and 1.7
              Should I use one of these branches to use the long lived tokens?
              pip install git+https://github.com/fabric-testbed/fabrictestbed@1.7

              Komal Thareja

                Hi Nishant,

                Installing fablib from main branch should work. It is using the fabrictestbed==1.5.9 dependency which has the fix.

                fabrictestbed==1.5.9 is built from llt branch. I will work on merging this branch to main as well.



                Nishanth Shyamkumar

                  Hi Komal,

                  I tried this and it still does not work. Here are the fabric packages in my environment:


                  pip list | grep fab │
                  fabric-credmgr-client 1.6.1 │
                  fabric_fim 1.6.1 │
                  fabric_fss_utils 1.5.1 │
                  fabric-orchestrator-client 1.6.1 │
                  fabrictestbed 1.6.9 │
                  fabrictestbed-extensions 1.6.5


                  The fabrictestbed is at 1.6.9, yet the slice_manager.py and specifically the __load_tokens still has the refresh token Exception check.

                  Komal Thareja

                    We are deploying 1.7 next week which would contain a fix for this issue. Apologies for the inconvenince!



                    Komal Thareja

                      Hi Nishanth,

                      The fix for this issue is now available with fabrictestbed-extensions==1.7.2



                      Nishanth Shyamkumar

                        Thanks Komal, I tested it and it is working without any issues after the update.

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