1. Kali machine failing on post_boot_config

Kali machine failing on post_boot_config

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  • #8089
    Nirmala Shenoy


      I am using one Kali VM in our folded-clos topology to conduct some security related tests. I notice that this one machine shows post_boot_config failed, but the slice eventually becomes stable_OK. I am attaching a snapshot – H-1 is the Kali  machine.

      When we try to configure an IP address for this machine – we receive an authentication failed.

      I later tried to ssh into H-1 and received a permission denied -see below.

      fabric@winter:Security-41%$ ssh -i /home/fabric/work/fabric_config/SliceKey -F /home/fabric/work/fabric_config/ssh_config kali@2001:400:a100:3020:f816:3eff:fed5:e230

      Warning: Permanently added ‘bastion.fabric-testbed.net’ (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.

      Warning: Permanently added ‘2001:400:a100:3020:f816:3eff:fed5:e230’ (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.

      kali@2001:400:a100:3020:f816:3eff:fed5:e230: Permission denied (publickey).

      I tried with multiple sites and recieved the same error.


      Attaching  file with more detailed screen captures


      Komal Thareja

        Hi Nirmala,

        Could you please share your slice id?


        Hussam Nasir

          Hello Nirmala,

          I believe we have a faulty disk image for Kali. Please bear with us while we get this resolved. It may be a few days before we get back to you.

          Nirmala Shenoy

            Hello Komal I have 2 slices, because I wanted to test if it was a site problem. the two slice IDs are given below.




            hello Hussam – sure get back to us. before the maintenance this was working.


            Hussam Nasir

              Hello Nirmala,

              We have corrected the image at the WASH site and are updating all other sites with the corrected image. This process should be done by EOD today. You can start using WASH in the meantime

              Nirmala Shenoy

                thanks Hussam.

                Looks like the slice expired. I will set up another




                Nirmala Shenoy


                  when using the current Kali VM, we came cross this problem

                  sudo: unable to resolve host H-1: Name or service not known
                  Hit:1 http://kali.download/kali kali-rolling InRelease
                  Ign:2 https://deb.frrouting.org/frr kali-rolling InRelease
                  Err:3 https://deb.frrouting.org/frr kali-rolling Release
                  404 Not Found [IP: 2a07:e480:2::1106 443]
                  Error: The repository ‘https://deb.frrouting.org/frr kali-rolling Release’ does not have a Release file.
                  Notice: Updating from such a repository can’t be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.
                  Notice: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.

                  we had this problem earlier, when we were installing Kali on debian _11.

                  We are facing this problem again. we used WASH site to set up this slice.

                  the slice_ID is 54670fa7-52fa-4f2c-9a05-5410c891ade6





                  Hussam Nasir

                    Hello Nirmala,

                    I believe you missed providing some details regarding the above setup. Guessing from the output you pasted above I think you are trying to install frr using instructions from https://deb.frrouting.org/ . The error you posted above is because that package does not have a release for Kali Linux. All the repos point to Debian or Ubuntu. When you run teh setup commands mentioned on the FRR webpage , it creates a apt repo file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/frr.list. The name of the OS in that file is shown as “kali-rolling” .

                    I am guessing Kali Linux is based off debian 12 (bookworm) . So if you replace the word kali-rolling with bookworm, you apt commands to install the packages should work.

                    Nirmala Shenoy

                      hello Hussam,

                      we are trying to install BGP from FRRouting on the Kali machine. I am attaching our script ( it is missing “sudo apt install curl”,  which I executed on the Kali node) . the kali-rolling release comes up when I execute

                      sudo apt update && sudo apt install frr frr-pythontools

                      Please see script attached that we execute in the Hacker node.


                      Hussam Nasir

                        Yes i understand that. But as i mentioned in my post https://learn.fabric-testbed.net/forums/topic/kali-machine-failing-on-post_boot_config/#post-8105 . You will have to do those modifications to get it to work.

                        Nirmala Shenoy

                          hello Hussam,

                          sorry it took me sometime to figure out what to do. I worked with Peter this morning. Looks like the version of Kali, we currently support is different from what we used last time. Your suggestions work, but we still have a few more fixes to make.



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