1. L2 Interfaces on my slice transitioning to DOWN State

L2 Interfaces on my slice transitioning to DOWN State

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion L2 Interfaces on my slice transitioning to DOWN State

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  • #8095
    Prateek Jain


      My topology has several L2 interfaces at 5 different locations. For last two days randomly at one of my sites my L2 interfaces keep transitioning to DOWN state and all the routes that I had added manually are reset. This results in my experiments shutting down abruptly.

      I remember posting the same issue earlier but couldn’t find my old post.

      This is my current slice ID:


      Please let me know if you need any other detail from me.

      Thank you

      Komal Thareja

        Subject: Network Configuration Issue on Slice VMs

        Hi Prateek,

        I checked your Slice. Could you share the VMs and sites where the network configuration was lost?

        The WASH and STAR site workers were rebooted due to another issue, which may have caused this disruption. Please note that, in the current version, fablib configures interfaces using ip commands, which are not persistent across reboots.

        We are working on making this configuration reboot persistent. In the meantime, please consider using NetworkManager or netplan to configure the interfaces in a way that persists after a reboot.

        Additionally, we are addressing the underlying issue that required the worker node reboots.

        Apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience!


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