1. Link between Cloudlab Utah and Cloudlab Clemson not working

Link between Cloudlab Utah and Cloudlab Clemson not working

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Link between Cloudlab Utah and Cloudlab Clemson not working

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      Hi. I have a link set up between these two Cloudlab clusters, but no packets are passing on the link. At Utah the vlan tag is 2591, at Clemson it is 3874.

      The ip address at Utah is, ip address at Clemson is

      To aid debugging, I have put IP addresses on the vlan at the Cloudlab edge switches.

      Utah:, Clemson:

      Netmask is /24

      Anything else you need to know, please let me know.

      Thanks very much!


      Tom Lehman

        Leigh, I do not see VLAN 2591 on Utah, or 3874 on Clemson.  Do you think that FABRIC slice is still up?


        Ezra Kissel

          This issue has been resolved through the use of the L2STS network service to connect the facility ports between Utah and Clemson Cloudlabs.

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