1. login problem for a student Vincent Li (RIT Student)

login problem for a student Vincent Li (RIT Student)

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion login problem for a student Vincent Li (RIT Student)

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  • #7009
    Nirmala Shenoy


      Vincent is a student at RIT. when I asked to create an account he received the following message. Attaching the document with the error message



      Looks like the institution being used does not have a valid registry endpoint with CILogon – that is negotiated between said institution and CILogon independently, FABRIC has no control over this.

      There was a notation about using ORCID instead, which is fine, but the student would need to submit a request form by using the “Initiate Petition” link found here: https://portal.fabric-testbed.net/signup/4


      Nirmala Shenoy


        I have several RIT students who are working on my projects on fabric. so I do not understand the RIT does not have a valid registry endpoint with CILogon




        I’m basing my statement on the attachment you had sent as that is all I have to go by…

        Has the student reached out to RIT IT directly (as suggested by the error message)?

        FABRIC simply consumes the results of an OIDC authentication transaction between the institution and CILogon as a client, and has no control over what errors may occur during the authentication process.

        It may be worth checking to see if the student has any cached credentials in their system that they are unaware of by visiting: https://cilogon.org/me/ – cookies and/or sessions can be flushed from that page if they find anything unexpected.

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