1. Long running slice stability issue. 

Long running slice stability issue. 

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Long running slice stability issue. 

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  • #6584
    Mert Cevik

      Hello Fengping,

      VMs on your slice are started and their dataplane interfaces are re-attached.

      Fengping Hu

        Hi Mert,

        Thanks for getting the vms online again. I was able to put node2 and node3 back in service. But still have some issues with node4. It looks this node is having some trouble with resolved. I tried to reboot it but that’s not possible either. Can you reboot this one for me.

        root@node4:/home/ubuntu# systemctl status systemd-resolved
        Failed to get properties: Connection timed out
        root@node4:/home/ubuntu# /sbin/shutdown -r now
        Failed to open initctl fifo: No such device or address
        Failed to talk to init daemon.




        Fengping Hu

          Just to update that I was able to reboot the node and put it back in service.  shutdown -r didn’t work but reboot -f did the trick.

          root@node4:/home/ubuntu# /sbin/shutdown -r now
          Failed to open initctl fifo: No such device or address
          Failed to talk to init daemon.
          root@node4:/home/ubuntu# reboot -f
          Connection to 2001:400:a100:3090:f816:3eff:fe8a:f1d1 closed by remote host.
          Connection to 2001:400:a100:3090:f816:3eff:fe8a:f1d1 closed.




          Mert Cevik

            Hi Fengping,

            I realized that I missed your previous message on Feb 20 (sorry about that), and I noticed your update yesterday that you could reboot the VM. I will pay close attention to the thread, please let us know if you have issues.

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