1. my class students don’t have permission to create Slice using slice build

my class students don’t have permission to create Slice using slice build

Home Forums FABRIC Educators my class students don’t have permission to create Slice using slice build

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  • #5522
    Yuvaraj Munian

      I have created the class project under the title “CSCI 4406 Computer Networks”. Why My students don’t have access to create the slices through the slice builder. It says no facility port access given and also more permission requests are needed.

      I that possible to give the same access what I got for the fabric tutorial experiment.

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Ilya Baldin.
      Ilya Baldin

        I’ve moved this question to the educators forum

        Zongming Fei

          Did you create a subproject under project CSCI 4406? We did not expect that you will create a new project/subproject. Your students are expected to create slices under the original CSCI 4406 project for your class. Please see the response to your other post about the facility port permission.

          Ilya Baldin

            FacilityPort is a special permission generally not granted to educational classes. Did you create a slice JSON file yourself under Tutorials project and then give it to your students to instantiate in the portal using your class project?

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