1. NAT64 Issues

NAT64 Issues

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  • #7036
    Vaiden Logan


      I am trying to access an ipv4 address ( from ipv6 only fabric sites. I ran the nat64 script, but when I try to ping that address I get this output:
      ubuntu@node2:~$ ping
      ping: connect: Network is unreachable

      Is there something additional I need to do for this to work?


      project ID: d397f9b4-9a94-4456-9154-244ea3429d26

      version: 1.6.2

      slice name: cresco_slice

      slice id: 7b2cf6ec-1720-44d7-9ccc-7d36f8e621f3


      options edns0 trust-ad
      search openstacklocal
      nameserver 2a00:1098:2c::1
      nameserver 2a01:4f8:c2c:123f::1
      nameserver 2a00:1098:2b::1


      /etc/hosts: localhost

      # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
      ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
      fe00::0 ip6-localnet
      ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
      ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
      ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
      ff02::3 ip6-allhosts node2

      Hussam Nasir

        Hello vaiden,

        Firstly you no longer need to run any script for NAT64. FABRIC DNS servers provided to your VMS now can do NAT64. With that said, the other is misunderstanding of how NAT64 service works. Most of the time when they say NAT64, it is meant to work in conjunction with DNS64.

        When a hostname (with an IPv4-only address) is resolved for an IP at the DNS servers and the DNS server does a DNS64, it will create a fake IPV6 address for that host which will be sent to your application. Your application then uses that fake IPv6 address which is an IP that is managed by the NAT64/DNS64 server. The server will then route your traffic by converting from IPv6 to ipv4 and then back in reverse.

        In your case, you are directly trying the IPv4 address which will not work. If you don’t have a hostname that was resolved to that IPv4 address, there is a complex workaround for this issue.  You must create your own fake IPv6 address using the NAT64 server’s IPv6 prefix. If this is really needed, I can provide more details on how to do it.

        Vaiden Logan

          Okay, I wasn’t aware of how it worked with DNS64. I’ll try with a hostname and get back to you. Thank you.

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