1. Network interfaces deleted automatically from nodes.

Network interfaces deleted automatically from nodes.

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Network interfaces deleted automatically from nodes.

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  • #7340
    Prateek Jain


      I am using a slice with 5 nodes for my experiments. Sites that I use are STAR, NEWY, WASH, ATLA and DALL. I have L-2 connections among these sites in linear topology. (STAR –> NEWY –> WASH –> ATLA –> DALL)
      Since the last update, I am facing this issue that randomly on some days, my interfaces for L2 connections on some of my nodes gets deleted.

      I am not sure if I can add new interface on an already existing node after the slice has been created. I couldn’t find any jupyter notebook that has this kind of example. Therefore, I have to delete my slice and create a slice from scratch every time this issue occurs.

      Is there something that I am missing? Can you please shed some light on this issue?



        I wonder how you determined “interfaces for L2 connections on some of my nodes gets deleted”?

        Komal Thareja

          Hi Prateek,

          I also have a similar question as @yoursunny: what observations led you to conclude the deletion of interfaces?

          Additionally, could you please share the Slice ID for a slice where this issue has been observed? This information would be immensely helpful for our debugging process.



          Prateek Jain


            When I execute the following command:

            ip_addr_node3_node1 =node3.get_interface(network_name=node1_node3_l2_network_name).get_ip_addr()
            interface7 =node3.get_interface(network_name=node1_node3_l2_network_name).get_os_interface()
            print(ip_addr_node3_node1, interface7)

            The output that I get is :


            When I checked the interfaces and IP with “ip addr” command I could not see my interfaces.

            I could be wrong in my conclusion that the interfaces are deleted but I definitely could not see/access them.

            This has happened 2-3 times to me in the last 5-6 days. Next time the issue happens I will take the screen shot of the output as well. I can share the slice ID for the slice where I face this problem last time:


            Unfortunately, the slice is dead now because I had to reserve nodes on the same sites and there were not enough resources available on these sites. Therefore, I deleted my slice, released the resources and then reserved a slice again.


            Komal Thareja

              Thank you, Prateek, for sharing your slice ID and observations! If you encounter this issue again, please let us know and refrain from deleting the slice. This will greatly assist us in debugging and identifying the problem.

              Unfortunately, we can’t do much with a deleted slice. We appreciate your cooperation with this!


              Prateek Jain

                Sure.. if I face this issue again I will let you know with all the relevant details.

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