1. Network reconfig after numa_tune

Network reconfig after numa_tune

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Network reconfig after numa_tune

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  • #8140
    Ilya Baldin

      Fabric team,

      Kudos on all the great new features! I am using CPU pinning and numa_tune functions shown here (https://github.com/fabric-testbed/jupyter-examples/blob/31968f514de467c81819827262f5e54a20bae472//fabric_examples/complex_recipes/iPerf3/iperf3_optimized_smart_nic.ipynb).

      My problem is after the functions complete and the reboot happens the network interfaces lose their configuration. What is the magic I can apply to force them to be re-configured back to the intended state?

      P.S. Can’t wait on the DPUs – any timeline for this and which ones will be supported?

      Komal Thareja

        Hi Ilya,

        Thanks for the kind words—we appreciate the feedback!

        To ensure the network interfaces retain their configuration after rebooting, please use the following code to reconfigure all nodes in the slice:

        for n in slice.get_nodes():  

        This will restore the network configurations.

        Regarding DPUs, we’re currently exploring BlueField 2 DPUs and targeting summer for initial support, with more details coming soon. Stay tuned for updates!

        Please let us know if you run into any other issues.

        Best Regards,


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