1. new jupyterhub issue

new jupyterhub issue

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion new jupyterhub issue

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  • #1082
    Suchandra Thapa


      I’m seeing a new jupyterhub issue when trying to get to my notebook.  Here’s the message that I get:


      2021-11-16 20:09:05+00:00 [Warning] 0/3 nodes are available: 1 node(s) had taints that the pod didn’t tolerate, 2 Insufficient memory.
      Event log


      Ilya Baldin

        We are investigating, thank you for letting us know. I was able to start it just now – perhaps give it another try? (we will look into the cause of the original failure)

        Suchandra Thapa

          I’m getting a different error now but I understand that this might be related to a power outage?


          Spawn failed: pod/jupyter-ssthapa-40uchicago-2eedu did not start in 300 seconds!
          Event log
          Server requested
          2021-11-17 19:23:56+00:00 [Normal] Successfully assigned jhub-prod/jupyter-ssthapa-40uchicago-2eedu to kbw-1.edc.renci.org
          2021-11-17 19:24:11+00:00 [Warning] AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume “pvc-510ebb79-fac6-4192-b23a-0070715b5126” : rpc error: code = Internal desc = backend trident-ontap-nas is not Online or Deleting
          2021-11-17 19:25:59+00:00 [Warning] Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[volume-ssthapa-40uchicago-2eedu], unattached volumes=[volume-ssthapa-40uchicago-2eedu]: timed out waiting for the condition
          Spawn failed: pod/jupyter-ssthapa-40uchicago-2eedu did not start in 300 seconds!


          Ilya Baldin

            This is related to the power outage. Jupyter Hub is not operational yet.

            Paul Ruth

              Jupyterhub is now back up and available.  Please try this again now.

              Suchandra Thapa

                It’s working now.  Thanks for the help

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