1. Node in my slice is running but cannot SSH

Node in my slice is running but cannot SSH

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Node in my slice is running but cannot SSH

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  • #4156
    Jeet Thakkar

      Hello, one of the nodes in my slice is running but I cannot SSH into it. It shows the following error:

      ssh -i /home/fabric/work/fabric_config/slice_key -F /home/fabric/work/fabric_config/ssh_config ubuntu@
      Warning: Permanently added ‘bastion.fabric-testbed.net,’ (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
      channel 0: open failed: connect failed: No route to host
      stdio forwarding failed
      kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

      The connection closed unexpectedly. One of my teammates had the same issue and her node was restarted from the backend. Could someone possibly assist with this? The node details are shown below:

      Node Name: node2
      slicename: jbthakka_slice-ndn
      SiteName: UCSD
      SliceID: eb8b96e2-6cba-46d9-97e4-61e1078e0fae
      nodeID: e9b1b436-9115-4ead-9948-5f46efa519fb
      Node Host: ucsd-w3.fabric-testbed.net
      Mgmt IP:

      One of my teammates had this issue, and it was resolved with a VM restart. Question here: https://learn.fabric-testbed.net/forums/topic/node-active-but-not-able-to-ssh/

      Mert Cevik

        Hello Jeet,

        Your VM encountered the same problem as you pointed out, VM was forcefully stopped. I started the VM, checked some indicators on the hypervisor. I expect that your VM will be running fine. We have some possible fixes, however we are not able to deploy at the moment.

        Also, on the FABRIC-UCSD, all VMs (yours as well as other users’) are running on ucsd-w3 and ucsd-w4. You can consider using the other ones (ucsd-w1, ucsd-w2, ucsd-w5) for VMs that require large memory.

        Please let us know if you encounter difficulties.

        Best regards,


        Jeet Thakkar

          Thank you so much, Mert. I was able to get in. I will also be done with the experiment soon, and I will keep the distribution of the VMs in mind.

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