1. Node is closed, cannot renew

Node is closed, cannot renew

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  • #8263
    Sankalpa Timilsina


      SliceID: 6acbc4aa-4b6e-44e3-b7c0-8c2f33de46c4
      Node with issue: client3

      I had a stable slice with all nodes up until at least a few days ago. Since then, I haven’t renewed the slice. However, today I am seeing that a node is closed when I checked the slice state and it is reporting:

      Insufficient resources : Renew failed: Component of type: ConnectX-6 with PCI Address: 0000:a1:04.7already in use by another reservation for node: GDXYNF3#

      I tried renewing today but with the same error.

      Komal Thareja

        Hi Sankalpa,

        Based on our logs, this slice has been renewed three times in descending order of time. During the renewal attempt on 2025-02-15 13:46:54,320, Client3 (be97d870-3299-418e-ba17-a1ddcab06bdb) could not be renewed because a required component was likely allocated to another future slice. Since requesting slices in the future is enabled, this allocation prevented the renewal of that particular VM. However, other available resources were successfully extended.

        The lease for Client3 ended on 2025-02-19 05:05:37 UTC, after which the VM was closed/deleted. The latest renewal request was issued on 2025-02-19 22:04:39, which was after the lease expiration, making the VM ineligible for renewal.


        Reservation Details:

        • Reservation ID: be97d870-3299-418e-ba17-a1ddcab06bdb
        • Slice ID: 6acbc4aa-4b6e-44e3-b7c0-8c2f33de46c4
        • Resource Type: VM
        • Status: Closed (Last update: *Insufficient resources – Renew failed: Component of type ConnectX-6 with PCI Address 0000:a1:04.7 is already allocated to another reservation on node GDXYNF3).

        Start: 2025-01-24 17:18:11 UTC
        End: 2025-02-19 05:05:37 UTC
        Requested End: 2025-02-28 13:46:54 UTC

        Let me know if you need further clarification.



        Sankalpa Timilsina

          Sounds good, thanks.

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