1. Not able to create slice

Not able to create slice

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Not able to create slice

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  • #6234
    Amanda Tomlinson

      I have a simple notebook where I create the fablib_manager, check to see the environment variables are loaded with fablib.show_config(), then I try to create a slice with:

      slice = fablib.new_slice(name=slice_name)

      Which does not fail. However, trying to add nodes or manipulate the slice fails with the error message: “Exception: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘project_id'”

      When I call slice.show(), I get the following stack trace:

      AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
      Cell In[5], line 1
      ----> 1 slice.show()
      File ~/fabric/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/slice.py:170, in Slice.show(self, fields, output, quiet, colors, pretty_names)
          141 def show(
          142     self, fields=None, output=None, quiet=False, colors=False, pretty_names=True
          143 ):
          144     """
          145     Show a table containing the current slice attributes.
          167     :rtype: Object
          168     """
      --> 170     data = self.toDict()
          172     def state_color(val):
          173         if val == "StableOK":
      File ~/fabric/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/slice.py:488, in Slice.toDict(self, skip)
          476 def toDict(self, skip=[]):
          477     """
          478     Returns the slice attributes as a dictionary
          480     :return: slice attributes as dictionary
          481     :rtype: dict
          482     """
          483     return {
          484         "id": str(self.get_slice_id()),
          485         "name": str(self.get_name()),
          486         "lease_end": str(self.get_lease_end()),
          487         "lease_start": str(self.get_lease_start()),
      --> 488         "project_id": str(self.get_project_id()),
          489         "state": str(self.get_state()),
          490     }
      File ~/fabric/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/slice.py:864, in Slice.get_project_id(self)
          857 def get_project_id(self) -> str:
          858     """
          859     Gets the project id of the slice.
          861     :return: project id
          862     :rtype: String
          863     """
      --> 864     return self.sm_slice.project_id
      AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'project_id'


      It looks like all of my environment variables are correct. I generated a token right before running the code. My notebook is:

      from fabrictestbed_extensions.fablib.fablib import FablibManager as fablib_manager
      fablib = fablib_manager(fabric_rc="/path/to/fabric_rc")
      fablib.show_config() # looks correct
      slice = fablib.new_slice(name=slice_name)
      except Exception as e:
      slice.show() # error



        The entire FABRIC is red this week: https://portal.fabric-testbed.net/resources/all

        See notice here: https://learn.fabric-testbed.net/forums/topic/multi-day-fabric-maintenance-january-1-5-2024/

        Look at this part:

        On other sites, slices will continue running, and slivers will be accessible during the maintenance, however, we will place the testbed in maintenance mode between Jan 1-5, therefore it will not be possible to perform slice operations (create, extend, delete).

        Mert Cevik
          Amanda Tomlinson

            Thank you both. I’m still unable to create slices today. I’ve re-generated my fabric token but I’m getting the same error as above. Is there anything else I need to do now that the maintenance is complete?

            Mert Cevik

              Hello Amanda,

              Can you check the information on https://learn.fabric-testbed.net/forums/topic/fabric-testbed-is-open-and-ready-for-use/

              about the requirements.txt file and fablib update (fabrictestbed-extensions) ?

              Paul Ruth

                One thing to check…. Does your notebook contain an unmodified version of this line?:

                fablib = fablib_manager(fabric_rc="/path/to/fabric_rc") 

                If it does, you need to modify the path to point to your actual fabric_rc file.


                Amanda Tomlinson

                  Thanks for the responses. I have updated to the latest version of fablib extensions, and I don’t have a requirements.txt in my environment (that I saw). And I do point to my fabric_rc. I attached a screenshot of my jupiter notebook.


                  I have also tried restarting the kernel and restarting the jupiter notebook..

                  Paul Ruth

                    Can you try adding back in the following line and report the output?


                    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Paul Ruth.
                    Amanda Tomlinson


                      Amanda Tomlinson

                        Also, it looks like I am able to create slices on JupiterHub, which is on version 1.6.0. I can try upgrading if there is a newer release.

                        Paul Ruth

                          I think I see the issue now.

                          In your example you have something like:

                          from fabrictestbed_extensions.fablib.fablib import FablibManager as fablib_manager
                          fablib = fablib_manager()
                          slice = fablib.new_slice(name='MySlice')

                          The problem is that when you are calling slice.show() the slice does not yet exist.  You need to create the slice first.  Add some nodes/networks something like the following:

                          from fabrictestbed_extensions.fablib.fablib import FablibManager as fablib_manager
                          fablib = fablib_manager()
                          slice = fablib.new_slice(name='MySlice')
                          node = slice.add_node(name='node1', site='STAR', image="default_rocky_8" )

                          This should work.  That said, I think you should be able to slice.show() a slice that is only half built and has not been submitted yet.  This is a bug that we will look into.

                          Let me know if this works for you.

                          • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Paul Ruth.
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