1. paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: Invalid key

paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: Invalid key

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: Invalid key

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  • #7391

      I think this is the first slice creation attempt since the 1.7 release announcement. Our keys have not changed, but I cannot tell from the error message what the problem is:

      ------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      pythonhome                /usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib/python3.9
      pythonpath                /usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib/python3.9:/usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib/python3.9/lib-dynload
      ld_library_path           /usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib
      Credential Manager        cm.fabric-testbed.net
      Orchestrator              orchestrator.fabric-testbed.net
      Bastion Host              bastion.fabric-testbed.net
      Core API                  uis.fabric-testbed.net
      Project ID                12a5a713-f87d-4ede-aa14-111f0993e7bc
      Bastion Username          lbstoller_0051589302
      Bastion Private Key File  /usr/testbed/fabric/bastion
      Slice Private Key File    /usr/testbed/fabric/fabric
      Slice Public Key File     /usr/testbed/fabric/fabric.pub
      Log Level                 INFO
      Log File                  /tmp/stitcher.gg51C4/fablib.83621
      Version                   1.6.3
      Data directory            /tmp/fablib
      SSH Command Line          ssh -i {{ _self_.private_ssh_key_file }} -F /tmp/stitcher.gg51C4/work/fabric_config/ssh_config {{ _self_.username }}@{{ _self_.management_ip }}
      Token File                /tmp/stitcher.gg51C4/token.json
      Sites to avoid
      Bastion SSH Config File   /tmp/stitcher.gg51C4/work/fabric_config/ssh_config
      ------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Submitting the slice request
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/usr/testbed/fabric/stitch-links.py", line 135, in <module>
        File "/usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/slice.py", line 2031, in submit
        File "/usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/slice.py", line 1570, in wait_ssh
          raise e
        File "/usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/slice.py", line 1559, in wait_ssh
        File "/usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/fablib.py", line 1426, in probe_bastion_host
          raise e
        File "/usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/fablib.py", line 1407, in probe_bastion_host
          result = bastion_client.connect(
        File "/usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paramiko/client.py", line 485, in connect
        File "/usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paramiko/client.py", line 818, in _auth
          raise saved_exception
        File "/usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paramiko/client.py", line 730, in _auth
          key = self._key_from_filepath(
        File "/usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paramiko/client.py", line 638, in _key_from_filepath
          key = klass.from_private_key_file(key_path, password)
        File "/usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paramiko/pkey.py", line 421, in from_private_key_file
          key = cls(filename=filename, password=password)
        File "/usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paramiko/ed25519key.py", line 65, in __init__
          signing_key = self._parse_signing_key_data(data, password)
        File "/usr/testbed/venv/fabric/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paramiko/ed25519key.py", line 114, in _parse_signing_key_data
          raise SSHException("Invalid key")
      paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: Invalid key
      Exception: Invalid key
      Stitcher failure. Debug log: /tmp/stitcher.gg51C4/fablib.83621
      RunStitcher error: FABRIC stitcher failure

      It seems that your bastion key has expired. Could you check if this is the case?

      It is not super obvious what that error message says, and it could be improved.  I will see to that.


        Yep, that was it. I do not remember seeing an email about it, so changing the error message would be great!

        Thanks very much!



        I’m done sitting on my hands. I just made a small pull request that should add a hint to the exception.


        Hopefully that will get merged and soon/eventually make it to FABRIC’s JupyterHub.

        Sorry about the time I took to sit on my hands, Leigh!

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