1. Permission denied for in-slice port mirroring

Permission denied for in-slice port mirroring

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Permission denied for in-slice port mirroring

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  • #7848
    Vaneshi Ramdhony

      Hello FABRIC team,

      I have used this notebook: /jupyter-examples-<wbr />rel1.7.0/fabric_examples/<wbr />fablib_api/create_port_mirror/<wbr />port_mirror_basic.ipynb (Inslice-port mirroring) and port mirroring demo tutorial on youtube by Dr Paul Ruth.

      sites used: FIU, BRIST

      The slice status was Stable OK but failed to be submitted; Internal Server Error due to lack of permission.

      Kindly advise which permissions are required for in-slice port mirroring. Below details might be helpful.

      fablib version 1.7.4

      ID bf6cbf3b-ce7c-4c88-89f2-1ca67317427a
      Name MySlice-generator-listener
      Lease Expiration (UTC) 2024-11-28 01:08:41 +0000
      Lease Start (UTC) 2024-11-27 01:08:41 +0000
      Project ID 6bd91382-d009-4f0b-8269-158816ee381d
      State StableOK

      Please find attached snapshot of the error message.

      Thank you,

      Vaneshi Ramdhony

      Komal Thareja

        Hi Vaneshi,

        Your project would need Net.PortMirroring permission for this to work. Could you please check if your project has this permission? If not, Please request your Project Owner or Lead to request for these permissions from the portal.
        More details for requesting the permissions can be found here.


        Vaneshi Ramdhony

          Hello Komal,

          Thank you for your prompt response.

          Reference start_here notebook: Port Mirroring: Listen in on traffic in FABRIC dataplane using PortMirror service (InfrastructureInSlice)

          My project does not have the Net.PortMirroring tag. I believe the Net.PortMirroring tag is required only for Infrastructure requests and not for in-slice port mirroring. The in-slice port mirroring was said (reference: demo link time 25:00-26:00) to be available to anyone who wants to mirror their port and special permissions will only be needed for infrastructure requests.  I am currently performing the experiment using in-slice port mirroring. Kindly confirm this for me.




          Vaneshi Ramdhony

            **demo link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kz13H7Kjho time 25:00-25:45

            Komal Thareja

              Hi Vaneshi,

              We are working to update the Permissions, but in the current release, you need permission Net.PortMirroring for InSlice PortMirroring to work.


              Vaneshi Ramdhony

                Thank you very much for the update.

                Could you kindly provide an estimate of when this change might occur? This information would greatly assist us in aligning our timeline and planning for the experiments.

                Thank you,



                Komal Thareja

                  Hi Vaneshi,

                  Permission updated would be rolled out with Release 1.8 in January.



                  Vaneshi Ramdhony

                    Hello Komal,

                    Im following up post upgrade to confirm if the permission request made in this thread was completed.

                    Thank you,



                    Komal Thareja

                      Hi Vaneshi,

                      The fix for this was deployed. I will check this again if you are still noticing this error.

                      Please note the pre-requisite for this is that both the listener and the monitored node are in the same slice.



                      Komal Thareja

                        I also just noticed the attached screenshot. The Permission error is related to SmartNIC usage. To use SmartNICs for your project, you still need the Component.SmartNIC permission.


                        Vaneshi Ramdhony

                          Thank you for the support Komal, we shall test it and revert back.

                          My apologies, the snapshot request was submitted in another thread. Thank you.





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